Written by: Mark Terry In light of all of the news about patent reform legislation and the backlash against Non-Practicing Entities (NPE) [you know … patent trolls], did you know that large corporations like Microsoft, Sony, Apple, Intel, and Google…
Written by: Mark Terry Southern District Court Judge K. Michael Moore recently handed down an equitable and somewhat unique decision regarding a timely dispute over the rights to a Spanish-language version of a Coca-Cola theme song that was created for…
Written by Mark Terry In 2008, photographer Mike Hipple took a photo of a famous sculpture by Jack Mackie in Seattle. The photo at issue was sold to a stock photo company subsequently used in its for-pay catalog. As…
Written by Mark Terry Can you protect architectural drawings and constructed buildings using copyrights? As a Miami Copyright Attorney with an active copyright docket, this is a question I’ve been asked more than once. Generally the answer is yes. An original…